How to place an order on MISKA Paris website?
To place your order, you simply select the item(s) you wish to purchase, select the model of your choice, color and size, and then add them to your cart.
You can access and edit your cart at any time. Once you have finished shopping, go back to your cart, click on “proceed to checkout”.
Once your order is finalized and payment is received, you will receive a confirmation email. However, if you do not receive the confirmation email, please start by checking your inbox and your spam folder. If you still cannot find the confirmation email, please contact us at: order@miska-paris.com
How can I know the status of my order?
To know the status of your order, please “Login” with your password, and click on “Orders” on the dashboard. You will be able to find the history of your order and its current status.
How can I track the delivery of my order?
Once your order is shipped, you will receive an email confirmation along with your tracking number with a link to follow your delivery online.
However, if you do not receive this email, please start by checking your inbox and your spam folder. If you cannot find this email, please contact us at: order@miska-paris.com
How do I cancel my order?
In order to cancel your order, you must contact us at: order@miska-paris.com However, the cancellation of an order is only possible if the order has not been shipped from our warehouse.
In certain cases (unavailable product, payment error, wrong address …) your order can be partially or completely canceled by our system. You will be contacted by our customer service.
How to apply a coupon code (promotional code) to your shopping cart?
If you have a coupon code, simply fill in the dedicated space in your cart. Once your cart is validated, the promotion code will automatically be applied to your order.
How is the payment secured?
MISKA Paris guarantees total security of your online purchase. The website uses secure payment system of first order financial entities in e-commerce. Meaning your confidential payment data are directly transmitted encrypted (SSL) to the financial entity. This is the most advanced and safe online technology for customers.
What are the accepted payment methods?
We accept the following payment methods: PayPal, MasterCard, Visa card and American Express Card.
I am facing technical issues with the shopping cart or the payment process
If you are experiencing technical issues during your online purchase, please contact us at: order@miska-paris.com
For deliveries outside of Europe, if any, you will be liable for all import duties, customs and taxes. These will be due at the point of, or after delivery.
Please be aware that MISKA Paris does not have any control for any duties, customs and taxes levied by the country your order is being shipped to. When you place your order, you have an estimate of the taxes and customs duties that you could have to pay upon reception of your parcel. Please contact your local customs office to find out more information if you are not sure of the amount.